Sunday 12 August 2007

Big pussy

Big pussy distinguishes the large wild pussy from much smaller species. One definition of big pussy includes only the four species of pussy in the genus Panthera: the lion, tiger, leopard, and jaguar. Members of this genus are the only cats able to roar, and this is sometimes considered a distinguishing characteristic of big cats. A more expansive definition also includes the cheetah, snow leopard, clouded leopard, and cougar. The roaring cats may also be distinguished from the other big cats by referring to them as "great cats". Another distinction is the offspring of the great cats are called cubs while the offspring of the lesser big cats are referred to as kittens.
Three of the four largest cats are members of the genus Panthera; the cougar is the fourth largest cat, exceeding the leopard in size. Some medium-sized cats like the
Eurasian lynx may weigh as much as 25 kg (55 lb), but they are not considered big cats.

Despite enormous differences in size, the various species of cat are amazingly similar in both structure and behavior. All cats are carnivores and efficient predators. Their range includes the Americas, Africa, Asia, and Europe; Australia and Antarctica have no indigenous species of cats.

Big cats

Family Felidae
Genus Panthera (roaring or great cats)
Tiger, Panthera tigris (Asia)
Lion, Panthera leo (Africa, Gir Forest in India; extinct in former range of southeast Europe, Middle East and North America)
Jaguar, Panthera onca (the Americas; from Mexico to northern Argentina)
Leopard, Panthera pardus (Asia and Africa)
Genus Acionynx
Cheetah, Acinonyx jubatus (Africa and Iran)
Cougar, Puma concolor (North and South America)
Genus Uncia
Snow Leopard, Uncia uncia (mountains of central and south Asia)
Clouded Leopard, Neofelis nebulosa (southeast and south Asia)
Bornean Clouded Leopard, Neofelis diardi (Borneo and Sumatra)

Medium-sized cats

Family Felidae
Eurasian Lynx, Lynx lynx (Europe and Asia)
Bobcat, Lynx rufus (North America)
Canadian Lynx, Lynx canadensis (North America)
Iberian Lynx, Lynx pardinus (Europe)
Genus Leopardus
Ocelot, Leopardus pardalis (Mexico, Central and South America, and southwestern Texas, USA)
Genus Caracal
Caracal, Caracal caracal (Africa)
Genus Leptailurus
Serval, Leptailurus serval (Africa)
Jaguarundi, Puma yaguarondi (Mexico, Central and South America)

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